Ulysses Owens Jr: Fake It ‘Til You Make It

I remember years ago, after I had just finished college and was traveling and touring London, England, I was so broke financially at that point in my career, I couldn’t even afford to really eat out much on the road. I was on tour with an artist and I knew dinner was at least covered at the venue and breakfast at the hotel so I had to figure lunch out. Ha!

So… I had a plan, I was going to take $100.00 USD and, as my grandmother would say, “pinch off of it,” and I would be good for a week. So I went to the currency exchange station and gave them my $100.00 USD and got back 44 GBP (British Pounds). I was mortified and wondered how the heck I would make it through the week.

But guess what? I did make it. I got creative and found some amazing little “hole in the wall” spots and et some great people in the process. What this taught me was that in life, I won’t always be in the same position and that most challenges are merely temporary; so I have to not let them consume me or my perspective.

I have learned to make moves toward my goals and it may have sometimes required having to “fake it ’til I make it,” but over time, I always had the faith I would get “there” even though my concept of what “there” is has changed through the years.

I once read a definition of an entrepreneur, and it stated that “an entrepreneur is a person who is willing to take financial risks to build a business.” I am thankful how life has shifted in terms of progress and how my sweat equity has continued to build through the years and create multiple returns on that initial investment.

Currently, while writing this piece, I am back in London staying at a nice hotel and can pretty much dine where I want, and I owe that to the music and the process of staying committed to life and growth. So, to anyone who may be in a season of “pinching off it” right now, just know that better days are ahead. You may be faking it until you make it, but choose to stay committed to the struggle because trust me, it will turn into progress.

-Ulysses Owens Jr.

As seen on Ulysses Owens Jr.’s Instagram. Follow him at @ulyssesowensjr_

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