What is Voicing? (Exclusive Follow-Up)
Renowned jazz pianist Glenn Zaleski explains why the “how” may be more powerful than the “what”.
Renowned jazz pianist Glenn Zaleski explains why the “how” may be more powerful than the “what”.
I remember years ago, after I had just finished college and was traveling and touring London, England, I was so broke financially at that point in my career, I couldn’t even afford to really eat out much on the road. I was on tour with an artist and I knew dinner was at least covered at the venue and breakfast at the hotel so I had to figure lunch out. Ha!
In our search for growth as musicians, we can too often become obsessed with information, sometimes overlooking simple tasks that can get us sounding better with what we already have. Gathering the hippest lines or voicings or rhythms is an enticing (and never-ending) quick fix to our shortcomings as players, but often times it’s not